Ensuring Your Home is Energy Efficient
Easy Energy Savings Tips
Quick Projects
Solar Electricity Basics
Types of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels
Types of Solar Electric Systems
Roof Requirements
Space and Orientation
Warranties and Insurance
Zoning and Permits
Utility Permits and Special Requirements
Installation and Finding a Contractor
Information You Should Verify
Net Energy Metering
What Should My Solar Bid Include
Important Facts: Buying vs. Leasing Solar Panels
Chart: Buying vs. Leasing
Rooftop Solar Checklist
Questions to Consider
Have questions about your HOA and solar? Want to know more about the recent NC Supreme Court Decision on HOAs and what that means for you? Check out this FAQ resource from our partners at the Southern Environmental Law Center and this informational webinar from our partners at Solarize the Triangle.
For a full list of residential solar installers that have signed NCSEA’s Solar Code of Conduct visit this webpage.

This Consumer Guide to Solar Electricity for the North Carolina Homeowner is intended to educate homeowners and home buyers about the many factors to consider before, during, and after installing solar panels on their homes. This Guide is not meant to be a technical resource on how to design or install a system. Homeowners should consult with an experienced solar contractor to determine the best and most cost-effective system for their property and their home’s energy needs. Likewise, new home builders or home buyers in search of a home suited for solar panel installation must consider numerous factors including direction of the home, roof style and attachments, and various other factors which are best evaluated by qualified solar facility designers, architects, engineers, or qualified home builders. This guide provides resources to assist in the selection process. The authors of this guide do not endorse any products or service providers. The information in this guide is based upon a similar guide developed by the South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff – Energy Office and South Carolina Electric & Gas Company. Also, information and resources, in part, have been adapted from this website.
Annual Value of Electricity Produced by a Solar System
Payback Period (in Years) for a Solar System
Solar System Cost
(at $2.71 per installed watt)
Average NC Solar System Size
Numbers are averages based off of a 4kW solar system
North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association
Duke Energy North Carolina
(866) 233-2290
North Carolina Electric Membership Cooperative
(919) 872-0800 or (800) 662-8835
For any questions , please fill out the following form
Dominion North
Carolina Power
(866) 366-4357
For More Information on Regulated Investor Owned Utilities in North Carolina:
North Carolina Public Staff
(919) 733-2267
North Carolina Attorney General
(919) 716-6400